GHR brings a wealth of experience to the evaluation and design of a broad range of engineering projects. We prepare drawings and specifications for competitive bidding of commercial equipment replacement and design projects. Incremental cost analysis is conducted in order to design the most energy efficient technologies into your project. Strong emphasis is placed on reliability, maintenance requirements, and ease-of-use of the equipment we specify. Once bids are evaluated and a contractor selected, we provide construction management to ensure adherence to schedules, objectives, and budget.
Commercial Equipment Replacement Projects
• Feasibility and Payback Analysis
• Specifications for Equipment Selection and Installation
• Potable Water and Hot Water Systems
• Chilled Water Systems (Electric, Natural Gas, Steam Powered)
• Cooling Tower Systems
• Boilers and Hot Water Systems
• Air Handling Systems
- Filtration
- Energy Recovery
- Heating, Cooling, Dehumidification
- Pressurization and Ventilation
Energy Management and Energy Studies
In large industrial or institutional facilities, an increase in energy efficiency can result in a direct increase in profitability. With natural gas and electricity prices on the rise, it makes more sense than ever to pay attention to how your facility consumes energy.
• Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
• Fuel Use / Power Monitoring
• Feasibility Studies
• Fuel Switch Projects
• Savings Verification
• Alternative Designs and Energy Recovery